A kitchen unit with a tiny footprint, designed by German designers Robert Schierjott and Ulrich Kohl

Going by anecdotal evidence of the shrinking sizes of HDB flats in the past 20 years or so, future flats in Singapore might end up being no bigger than the combined size of two or three parking lots. (And let’s not get into a discussion about cars in Singapore just yet.)

German designers Robert Schierjott and Ulrich Kohl have seen the future and it consists of a tiny, tiny space for the kitchen. They have designed a modular prototype kitchen unit that takes up only one square metre of floor space. That’s right my friends, 1m² for a functioning kitchen, which leaves maybe about four of five square metres of the flat of the future for your other stuff.

And in that future, you might also only be able to afford (or even allowed) to buy a really small car.