Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth as Loki and Thor

I must be one of the very few who aren’t frothing and fawning over Thor. It was entertaining and fun in parts but as a superhero origin story, it wasn’t anywhere near Batman Begins (nothing usually is) or even as fun as the first Iron Man. The to-ing and fro-ing between earth and Asgard was jarring (and I have to agree with a review that described Asgard as a cross between Disney and Las Vegas). Chris Hemsworth didn’t have the gravitas to play a god, but Tom Hiddleston was excellent as the devious Loki. It was almost predictable that our hero had to sacrifice his life in order to find salvation.

But in all honesty, this is just the bridge that brings us to Joss Whedon‘s Avengers so I’m willing to put up with a sub-par lead-in.

And yes, I watched Thor on a Thursday.