AlphaGo – The Movie is a wonderful documentary about an ancient game, artificial intelligence, and human creativity.
AlphaGo – The Movie is a wonderful documentary about an ancient game, artificial intelligence, and human creativity.
Ringtones introduced the concept of a digital store selling digital things made by a variety of creators. Today we call it an app store, a concept that didn’t exist 20 years ago but that has since become a fundamental building block of the digital world.
How the Custom Ringtone Industry Paved the Way for the App Store — and Then Vanished
Photographs, which fiddle with the scale of the world, themselves get reduced, blown up, cropped, retouched, doctored, tricked out. They age, plagued by the usual ills of paper objects; they disappear; they become valuable, and get bought and sold; they are reproduced. Photographs, which package the world, seem to invite packaging. They are stuck in albums, framed and set on tables, tacked on walls, projected as slides. Newspapers and magazines feature them; cops alphabetize them; museums exhibit them; publishers compile them.
Susan Sontag
Auto update of TikTok someday soon?
Maybe that’s another reason I’m okay with the web beating out Gopher. I don’t have things like Facebook and its weaponized surveillance platform on my conscience directly… None of the people who invented this technology are happy with how the social media played out.
Gopher creator Mark P. McCahill
In Keynote 10.1, it is finally possible to run Keynote presentations within a window, which is great for screen sharing and recording.
Iconic footballing photos re-imagined in today’s empty stadiums.
With the news these days, it’s hard to say what’s real.
To spend time with a child is to dwell under the terms of an uneasy truce between the possibility of the present and the inevitability of the future. Our deepest hope for the children we love is that they will enjoy the liberties of an open-ended destiny, that their desires will be given the free play they deserve, that the circumstances of their birth and upbringing will be felt as opportunities rather than encumbrances; our greatest fear is that they will feel thwarted by forces beyond their control. At the same time, we can’t help poring over their faces and gestures for any signals of eventuality — the trace hints and betrayals of what will emerge in time as their character, their plot, their fate. And what we project forward for the children in our midst can rarely be disentangled from what we project backward for ourselves.
Does Who You Are at 7 Determine Who You Are at 63?
Facebook is too big to govern responsibly. There will always be more work to do because Facebook’s design will always produce more hate than anyone could monitor. How do you reform that? You can’t.
Facebook Can’t Be Reformed