Dragging the future into the present…

[…] what the virus has done is accelerate existing trends. Heavy industry has been reckoning with stagnant spending on capital equipment for years; the oil industry has long been pummelled by falling demand for carbon-based fuel; and falling interest rates have been squeezing banks on and off since the great financial crisis (positive trends have gained momentum, too, from online retail to cloud computing).

Prospering in the pandemic: the corporate losers

On Facebook groups, a weapon of mass disinformation…

If you were to join the Alternative Health Science News group, for example, Facebook would then recommend, based on your interests, that you join a group called Sheep No More, which uses Pepe the Frog, a white supremacist symbol, in its header, as well as Q-Anon Patriots, a forum for believers in the crackpot QAnon conspiracy theory. As protests in response to the death of George Floyd spread across the country, members of these groups claimed that Floyd and the police involved were “crisis actors” following a script.

Facebook Groups Are Destroying America