When you create a new Pen, there’s always a random programming joke. The programmer who came up with these lines deserves arrays[]
When you create a new Pen, there’s always a random programming joke. The programmer who came up with these lines deserves arrays[]
GoAccess is an open source web log analyzer and viewer for the terminal or through the browser. It’s got an insanely good-looking UI for an open source product, especially when you consider other log analyzers like Webalizer and W3Perl.
If you use GA, you can try this minimal tracking code snippet to help bring the extra page weight from 75kb down to just 1.5kb.
I’ve been using (the self-installed) ‘On-Premise’ Matomo for a while. (I like the pain of doing something new live and always looking to reduce my dependence on Google.) Matamo is a good replacement for Google Analytics if you’re after simple site analytics. It even works on shared hosting, but it can be quite slow.
Capitalism without bankruptcy is like Catholicism without hell. Markets work best when participants have a healthy fear of loss. It shouldn’t be the role of the Fed or the government to eradicate it.
New York Times – Who’s Profiting From the Coronavirus Crisis?
In real life though, this is one of their stories.
Fabulous tourism content campaign nightly projection art show for the stay-home world from the Zermatt village in Switzerland.
…if you don’t understand how money and credit work, you can’t understand how economies work, and if you can’t understand how economies work, you can’t understand the most important influence on economic conditions, which is the biggest driver of politics and how the whole economic-political system works.
Money, Credit, and Debt by Ray Dalio
So for the last month, I’ve been a little occupied with canigo.sg.
What started out as a mental compilation of answers for my mum and my wife’s parents during Singapore’s Covid breaker circuit breaker measures turned into a website, which then turned into a frequently visited source of information for Singaporeans.
The site has served up more than 4 million page views so far. That wouldn’t have been possible without some wonderful support from Hostinglah despite me being on their cheapest tier. I pinky-promise to upgrade when I have to renew.
It is truly humbling when people continually contribute to the store of knowledge on canigo.sg. Some write to us in appreciation of the site’s utility, and to compliment the (wife’s) humour and wit. All this feels a lot more meaningful and gratifying than all the design accolades and advertising awards we’ve won in our careers (or getting name-checked by the national newspaper.)
To be honest, everyone will be most happy when no one has to visit canigo.sg which would mean we’re past the circuit breaker period, and hopefully the pandemic as well.
Stay safe and please don’t consume disinfectants, ok?
This will have to do in today’s climate.
[Via The Hill]