Infections ↑ Rational Thinking ↓ Kindness ↑

It matters immensely that decision-makers view risks as gray rhinos instead of obsess in vain about black swans, because we can see gray rhinos in front of us, but black swans by definition only appear in the rearview window. That means we have a chance to do something about gray rhinos. And, in fact, most so-called black swans happen because people ignored the gray rhinos.
The Gray Rhino by Michele Wucker (via Axios)
This is a beautiful world we live in, eh? FPV drones is so awesome and video pilots like Andrés Aguilera give us so much to see.
I may have said that I wished to set her free, but it was always my agenda that I hoped she would follow, my efforts as a father she would eventually acknowledge and admire. I had avoided repeating the mistakes of my father, but I had made different ones.
NYT: I Saw a Playhouse, My Daughter Saw a Jail
Seems the plural of the word ‘priority’ started entering common usage prominently around the late 1930s. Maybe, life was indeed simpler back in the day.
(Now I need to find some random chart to make a spurious correlation to this trend.)
All that motion tracking!
Mr. Yang’s outsize success shows that the people who insist that Rachel Maddow has more influence over the American electorate than Mr. Rogan are lying to themselves about where cultural power in America is actually located.
Did I Just Get Yanged?
It is great to see the Young Scientist program getting online.
The hero of this next movie is a naive, misguided child who spreads Nazi propaganda and only has imaginary friends. His name is Mark Zuckerberg…
Sacha Baron Cohen at the 2020 Golden Globes introducing Jojo Rabbit