
Squoosh is an image compression web app that allows you to dive into the advanced options provided by various image compressors

I finally got around to playing with Squoosh, an experimental web app from the Google Chrome team that compresses images in the browser. To test it out, I screen captured the Squoosh site to test Squoosh. (This movie would be called PNG-ception, y’all.)

The screen capture resulted in a 144dpi 340kB PNG file that I dragged and dropped onto Squoosh and trusty ol’ ImageOptim. These were the results:

On the surface, the ImageOptim output looks miles better. But I just went with Squoosh’s defaults and my ImageOptim settings have been tweaked over the years. I also did this dirty test in between meetings and that’s not enough time to explore Squoosh’s options and features. It works great on mobile, exports to WebP & AV1F, and… can automate it all on the command line with NPM. I sense my weekend slipping away from me already…

Goodbye XMLHttpRequest. Hello Fetch.

So while drowning in Preact.js and Reef research for a project, I saw a fetch() method somewhere. One new tab led to another, and I found out just how far behind my JavaScript was.

In the process, I also learned things like const and var and let go of my fear of Promises and Terry Venables thenables by avoiding them completely with Async-Await.

What I wanted to do was to move away from XMLHttpRequest towards Fetch to reduce render blocking. So this is how I used to do load in my JSON bits before:

function loadContentFromExternalFile() {
    var requestURL = "/my/data/file.json";
    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    request.open("GET", requestURL, true);
    request.responseType = "json";

    request.onload = function() {
        var retrievedData = request.response;
        if (typeof retrievedData === "string") {
            retrievedData = JSON.parse(retrievedData);

After porting to the Fetch API, the same function looks like so:

async function loadContentFromExternalFile() {
    let requestURL = '/my/data/file.json';
    let reqResponse = await fetch(requestURL);
    var retrievedData = await reqResponse.json();

It’s asynchronous, easier to read, there’s lesser code, and no need to use a stupid function name where XML is in all caps but HTTP is ‘Http’. Does it perform better? Time to learn how to make the most of console.time().

WordPress and Cloudflare.

If you have a login redirect loop issue on your WordPress site and recently activated a reverse proxy or a load-balancer, you need to add some constants in your wp-config.php file.

define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);
// in some setups HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO might contain 
// a comma-separated list e.g. http,https
// so check for https existence
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'], 'https') !== false)